Welcome to the BBSystemlager project page

We are pleased to welcome you to our project page, where we proudly present our final project: BBSystemlager

In our last year of training to become state-certified technicians for automation technology at the BBS 1 Technik Mainz, we took on the challenge of revolutionizing the warehousing of our technical school. This project is the result of our dedication, expertise and passion for automation technology.

Our goal was to optimize and automate the warehouse management in the storage rooms of our technical school. In a room full of cabinets, shelves and open spaces, we developed a system that not only facilitates systematic access to each stored item, but also makes it visually apparent where each desired stored item is located or should be stored.

On this page you will gain insight into our project progress, our solutions and the results of our hard work. We invite you to explore our project, discover the technical details and be inspired by the possibilities of automation.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our instructors, classmates and everyone who supported us along the way. Without your support, this project would not have been possible.

We hope that you are as enthusiastic about BBSystemlager as we are and we are pleased to introduce you to our work.

Thank you very much for your visit!

With kind regards

Nicolas, David, Aaron and Sebastian